Patient participation group

The aims of the patient participation group

We are privileged to have a very active Patients' Association at Montgomery surgery. The Montgomery Practice Patients Association is a voluntary organisation whose aim is to help Montgomery Medical Practice to provide the service community needs.

The means will be by:

  • Promoting a dialogue between providers and users of the health care services on a basis of mutual understanding and trust
  • Providing an informal channel for general complaints and suggestions
  • Administering, in conjunction with the Medical Practice, funds received by the MPPA
  • Offering appropriate publicity relating to Medical Practice matters.

If you wish to contact the representative or become a representative for your area, please contact Sarah Burgess (General Manager) who will provide you with contact details for the Patients Association. Alternatively, access the online form here to express your interest.


Lamp 1

Clinical lamp bought by kind donations to the practice. The lamp aids clinicians in providing enhanced services (Minor Ops and Sexual Health procedures to patients).

If anyone wants to donate to the Patients Association its as follows:

By far the best method is to pay into the account via BACS (please let the practice know you have made the donation for acknowledgment)


Account Name: Montgomery Patients Association

Account Number:11056786
Sort Code: 40-46-07

If that is not possible then please make cheques payable to the Montgomery Patients Association

MPA c/o Gwil Stephenson
Pentre Bach
Montgomery SY15 6HR
or handed into the practice.



Lamp 2