Access your medical records
How to get your medical records
Accessing your information
Medical records hold information about you. They are also sometimes called health records.
You'll have separate records for any NHS service you go to including your GP surgery, hospital, dentist or opticians.
How to get your record depends on which record it is.
As a patient, you can request a copy of your health record. To do so, you must submit your request via email to or in writing to the following address:
Alison Barnes (Operations Manager)
Montgomery Medical Practice
The Surgery
Well Street
SY15 6PF
Patients do not have to pay a fee for copies of their records.
There may be occasions when the data controller will withhold information kept in the health record, particularly if the disclosure of such information is likely to cause undue stress or harm to you or any other person.
Data controller
At Montgomery Medical Practice the data controller is the Practice and should you have any questions relating to accessing your medical records, please ask to discuss this with the Operations Manager.
Using your NHS account
You can view part your GP record by logging into your account using the NHS app or NHS website.
First, you need to register for online services and prove who you are. You can do this when you create an account.
The surgery offers viewing your medicines, allergies, vaccinations and appointments