Activity Data
Montgomery/Ladywell Surgery Flu Clinics 2024
- walk-ins accepted (if eligible)
- No need to book
If you are unsure whether you are eligible or not for the flu vaccine please call the surgery and we will advise you
You will be eligible for a flu vaccination if you fall under any of the below categories:
- All individuals aged 65 and over on the 31st March 2025 (born before 1st April 1960)
- Aged 18 -64 years who are in any of the following clinical risk groups:
- Chronic respiratory disease (such as asthma that requires regular inhaled steroids/ tablets or COPD)
- Chronic heart disease
- Chronic kidney disease
- Chronic liver disease
- Chronic neurological disease (such as Parkinson’s disease or Motor Neurone disease)
- Learning disability
- Severe mental illness
- Diabetes
- Epilepsy
- Had a stroke (or mini stroke)
- Immunosuppression due to disease or treatment (such as steroid or cancer treatment) OR a close contact/ live in the same house as someone in this group
- Asplenia or problem with spleen (Sickle cell disease, spleen removed)
- Morbidly obese (current BMI over 40)
- Pregnant (at any stage)
- People living in care homes or long-stay care facilities
- Carers
- Voluntary first aiders
- Community first responders
- Healthcare workers and social care staff
- Individuals experiencing homelessness
If your child is aged 2 years old as of 31st August 2024 up to the age of 4 but not yet in school and has still not received their annual fluenz nasal spray, please contact the surgery to arrange an appointment.
🫶It is very important to keep your child(ren), family and friends protected from catching the dreaded flu.🫶
🎥Please take a minute to watch this video supplied by Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust🎥